JUST LISTED – EXCLUSIVE LISTING – Grandview Woodland Development Site For Sale – 2281 E 1ST AVE Vancouver
Address: 2281 E 1ST Ave, Vancouver, BC

Total Lot Size: 11,385 sqft
Potential Buildable/Salable : 17,077 sqft
Lot Size: 99′ x 115′
Proposed New Zoning FSR: 1.5
Grandview OCP
Call for pricing and additional details.

Opportunity to acquire a multifamily, townhouse or apartment development site in the sought after Grandview-Woodland neighbourhood. Site is located on the intersection of Garden Dr. and East 1st Ave inside the Grandview Woodland Neighbourhood Plan. The Official Community Plan for Grandview Woodland was passed recently be the City of Vancouver and is pending some further zoning and density modifications. Potential development is located only 10min walk to popular Commercial Dr.
What Does the Plan Say?
• Provide ground-oriented and family housing at an appropriate scale for arterials
• Allow 3.5-storey rowhouses and courtyard stacked townhouses at 1.3 FSR, with a maximum height of 12.2 m (40 ft.)
• Require a minimum frontage of 27.4 m (90 ft.) (3 lots)
• Allow secondary rental in the form of lock-off suites
• Permit choice-of-use between commercial uses (which may include retail or service) or residential for ground floor spaces directly facing Nanaimo Street

Create a New Zone A new zone (district schedule) for these areas is proposed as no existing zone aligns with the Plan advice for this area.
This zone would allow 3.5-storey townhouses/rowhouses, with additional options for consideration:
• Increasing the FSR for townhouses/rowhouses from 1.3 to 1.5 supports the Housing Vancouver Strategy through providing additional ground-oriented housing units, and is a more appropriate scale for arterial streets.
• Including an option for 4-storey apartments on large sites would provide additional housing units and housing choice, and the apartment form is a better building type for at grade choice-of-use on Nanaimo Street.

• Grandview OCP
• 10min drive to Downtown
• Corner lot site with lane
• Mountain View
• 10min walk to Commercial Dr
• 3.5 Storey Rowhouse
If you require further information about the property feel free to call Eni at 778 371 1534